Thursday, February 07, 2008


i watched the episode of Doctor Who with Kylie Minogue in it called "Voyage of the Damned" The one that aired on christmas day (2007) in the UK. The one that's part of the season that isn't showing yet in xinjiapo on BBC entertainment. COME NOW! show the new season already! i want to see what martha's like as a companion instead of Rose.

the most poignant and poetic episode of DW i've ever was a bit like reading deathly hallows but i dont think i should say anymore lest i spoil the plot. (who knew kylie could act!)

i was watching the recording of the last episode (on tivo) of the season with Rose and how she and the doctor were tragically seperated and how she said 'i love you' after so long and how the vortex closed before he could say it back (but he never did. the words never escaped his mouth) after which Rose cried so BITTERLY and *breathless*. le sigh. billie piper was chav-tastically adorable as Rose..and there was way more chemistry between her and tennant than she had with Chris Ecclestone (i REALLY can't figure out why big k prefers him as the Doctor though. its baffling!)

ok anyways, back to the episode with kylie.
kylie in her ickle french maid outfit and boots and her wide-eyed wonderment ala Princess Jasmine and Tennant as the stowaway and swashbuckling saviour like Aladdin.( geez how'd i get to comparing DW to disney?!?! )

the way his face lit up when he first laid eyes on her. and in the ballroom scenes, the way they looked at each other across the room..their eyes were talking (an entire dialogue played out in my head) oh tennannntt why are you so dishy!

tennant in a tux. fwee weet. disha would be proud of my fangirling lah.

but of course it was too perfect. it was doomed to fail. (emo schmemo, tear in eye moment)

wrt t-shirt. yeah, that's what they all say (pfft)
daleks. cybermen. timelords. gimme (gimme) more

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