Wednesday, June 24, 2009

and your voice was all i heard

new post!!

  • Federer looks SO dapper in his warm-up kit for Wimbledon this year..trousers, waistcoat AND overcoat? I mostly approve :D If he's massive enough to have his own logo (i think the "RF" logo is gorgeous, and oh so classy..just like Tiger Woods' "TW". Maybe one day i'll have a wicked cool "AR" logo. ynever know!) And the gold detailing, against the white :D My fave though was when he had the preppy sweater. It looked like a cricket vest. He looked so smart in it.
  • I think more people want Murray to win though. Well sonny, you're gonna have to work for it :P Have i mentioned this yet? It's such shame Nadal isn't in the competition :( (i'm sorry jean, i realise it might've been insensitive sending you that text about Federer's outfit of all things)
  • mass comm interview sucked. (but rhubs, thanks for putting it into perspective. shara as well. you da man.)
  • Watched Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen and was ABSOFKINGLUTELY blown away. (char, this is a recap of our convo, so don't mind me)

I was so bloody proud to be a Linkin Park fan.

That riff throughout the movie? Whenever the Autobots/heroes come into view.. That was written by LP yo- "New Divide". And its such an EPIC riff, that it was the basis for all the thematic music used in the background score, which was done by Hans Zimmer (EPICKKK! man, i love that word)Remember in Transformers 1 as well, they used What I've Done? :D so proud of em, that they could come up with such massive tunes.

The vid for New Divide, that in itself, is a work of art man. It was filmed in the "Tomb of the Primes"- that doesn't count as a spoiler! But it all fits man..the epicness of the song, the epicness of the film, the intensity, the INTENSITY! the lyrics, have i mentioned the lyrics?! The lyrics fit as'll get what I mean if you watch the film :)


when the opening titles first came up..and the industrial sounds that accompanied them, that filled the theatre- man, i knew this was gonna be a winner. The sounds, man the sounds has a large part to play in the entire movie. It was like being in a Universal Studios ride, cos it was surround sound that enveloped you and your senses and messed with your head and your suspension of disbelief.

The explosions, aaw hell there were alot of explosions, and gunfire and stunning wide panning shots of various world wonders (Petra in Jordan, and the Great Pyramids) of Shanghai and New York, of the Gulf of Aqaba, and my favourite? The shots in the Smithsonian. MAN i need to go there (dad says Washington in Winter is miserable though. but he's actually been considering it since last year..cos we can hit Virginia, and NY. actually there are at least 10 national monuments and museums in D.C. that are all I wanna go see. Just those and i'll be happy. oh wait, i think i've done a post about this before :P).

OK back to the movie. YEAHH the shots, esp at the Air & Space Museum..i was just in awe. The thing about having a bro who watches nothing but aviation, spaceflight and warcraft-related programmes on telly, is that you inevitably learn about everything from aircraft carriers and how they function, to Cessna's, to the frickin Blackbird (which prompted ash, viv and myself to give each other, OH MAN did you see that? jawdropped looks when it showed up on the screen). My fave though was the Raptor..the jet that was actually Starscream? Yeah yeah alright, Starscream was my fave character from the cartoons..such an Iago he is! I've always thought Decepticons was a cooler collective term than Autobots anyways :P

Aiya, basically it had Michael Bay written all over it, and I ain't complaining :D

as for the plot? heh. The comic relief bits with the mum getting high on ganja and making an ass of herself? unnecessary. Various shots of Megan Fox's face, derriere and decolletage- unnecessary. Though I must say, I dunno of they jacked up the saturation? But her eyes are absolutely stunning. The dialogue was throughly entertaining in a smarmy american/ frat boy/ gangsta lovin, "i'ma gonna beat yo ass down" way. Those twin Chevy autobots though? They were the Jar Jar Binks of this movie- a bloody waste of time, AND highly annoying at that. I'm just glad there wasn't much snogging/ romantic plot development- cos that would've ruined it. Shia was underutilised :( it's almost as if he got some bit part.

But all those epic fightscenes and showdowns and throwdowns more than make up for it! Visually a-mazing! tyvm, ILM ;)

Now this is the kind of summer I've been waiting all the previous year for.

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