Sunday, April 06, 2008

like you imagined when you were young

my first actual best friend.
i remember how we met. you were late to class cos you were doing prefect duty, and i was late cos i was running errands for a teacher. on the first day of primary 5, when my initial plan to get to class early so i could get a good seat in the infamously packed classes of Rosyth was thwarted. we ended up sitting next to each other, cos we didnt really have a choice. but hey, sometimes the best things come out of things that happen unintentionally.

i miss halloween, the field trips, sparky, the snail mail, "the faraway gift package(s)", your beanie babies, the yellow-painted walls of your room, complete unabashed BSB fanaticism, scrapbooking, whathomeworkisthere phonecalls thatweren'tactuallyabouthomework haha..

when we were young, we savoured the experience. what set our hearts aflutter was innocent and analysis/pragmatism to take into consideration- we just went for it. reality and perception weren't important, cos everything worked itself out, really. no concept of pride or ego, no manipulation, some semblance of good and evil. erroneous or otherwise, the basic reaction to life is Think. Act. Feel.

existential cautionary terms such as carpe diem seem a bit contrived. where's the sponataneity in labouring to seize the day?
"If fate doesn't make you laugh, then you don't get the joke"- Shantaram
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