Monday, January 07, 2008


reese's oh reese's.
i crave for you
why do you reduce me to this level
why are you so overpriced in Candy Empire (the bastards!)

i had a candy bar every single day in the states. the winter's fault lah! need to keep warm and all, innit?

but true decadence: champagne poached strawberries at Vennie's place
*drools, makes a Homer (simpson) face and dies*

with mascarpone cheese and everything!

that was truly lovely that i don't ever want to forget.
I've never been the kind to have a bunch of girlfriends..ever. Until i met this motley crue..(motley, partly also cos we always end up wearing different colours. So its a united colours of benetton advert everytime we meet haha :D ) We're the frickin Rebel Alliance of arts fac man! (star wars refernce..sorry just HAD to put that in there)
we measured, whipped, poured,baked, messed around, made a Buddha comment (that's me :P), cleaned prawns, mixed up beer batter, coated fish, cut chicken strips, breaded (Surreal Gourmet style, wooot! flour-eggs-breadcrumbs), deep-fried, got be-spluttered by oil, popped champagne, poached, tossed salad, dumped croutons, fetched drinks, shared green tea, ladeled out pavlova and ice cream, served out brownies, munched on cookies (with white chocolate buttons that were mistaken for mentos lol!), sent a round of Raki (turkish spirit, complements of Rakky herself) round the table, captured the reactions, made a call to a mad plumber with genius advertising...and cranked dat to Soulja Boy (don't ask. just dont ask)
there is no satisfaction like eating food you made yourself.
and sitting at the dining table after and realising that you don't ever want to lose these relationships no matter WHAT happens.
i think we feed off each other in such a positive way.
Idealism. is a Digitalism song as well as the practice of which i like to partake in once in a while. when i have a good feeling about it, of course.
Su's colour flash, fiddly-but-not-actually-that-fiddly, camera :D can't wait to see how the pictures turned out. Vennie's fisheye! (OH NOOOO) Tak Glam-ness is allowed when you've been in the kitchen all evening doing any of the abovementioned *grin*

those're genuine smiles right there. flushed and happy in a tired way (thanks for that one, shara)
oh yes, Chocolate Decadence at Seah Street Deli at Raffles Hotel. sinful enough for Vegas, that one
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