Friday, November 23, 2007

under pressure

i haven't done this in so long..i hope i haven't lost ma blogging skillzzz yo

time has been eventfully spent in ridiculously long 10day break between 2nd last and last paper. talk about losing momentum!

finally paid a visit to MacNair hostel..for some extremely strange reason, it reminded me of The Village and i half expected to see the scholars walking around in Amish clothes and warning against Those We Don't Speak Of. Mostly cos i've always known hostels as the kind they have in NUS (that's the problem when you were brought up in the childcare on the NUS campus) so the low-rise, 6 bunks to a room layout threw me off a bit.

esha and aakriti, yaars for life! as we walked to the bus stop that would take us to bugis from the hostel, i noticed that the damn CSC and IA were right at their doorstep! can you believe how convenient it must've been for the cricket boys to walk to training! ok what am i complaining about, i have the nel to farrer park. but this is like, prime location for the legions of indian boys who will pass through that hostel!

moving along, Om Shanti Om!
for those who have watched it, thigh slappingly funny scene with SRK playing a 70's tamilian hero aka Rajnikanth

"You shotgun, me Quickgun Murugan" HAHAHAAA
the bit where he turns to the side and says "Thoo, die!" roflmao, wah damn tamilek sial
when he does the flippy thing with his shades..RAJNIKANTH woohoooo. the man who tosses cigarettes into his mouth and whose movies start with 80's music and his name on the entire screen lights up as "Superstar Rajni" in big bold letters. only in tamil movies my friends ;)
then the fight scenes with the "dish dishoom" sound effects... classic!
"naughty pussy, who's your daddy now! " aka Aakriti's favourite bit LOL

the epitome of chheeeeeesy and corrrrnyyyy and all other food-derived terms that express kitsch and tackiness :D

i was laughing so hard i missed half the scene. frickin shahrukh khan attempting tamil = priceless. i mean, i took higher tamil and half the time i didn't know wtf he was saying :P :P it gets so bad that at one point he's spouting names of famous tamil actors at one point "shivijai ganeshan, gemini ganeshan, kamal haasan" HAHA, so bloody ridiculous but all the tamilians in the cinema were laughing until they cried i can promise you that :D

dang. this is like the time after i watched 300 when i went around randomly shouting This is SPARTAAAA. new catchphrase, and also said in a threatening way "Yenna Rascala, mind it!" translation: you rascal, mind it!

bollywood movies like this are liberating. because you can leave your brain at the door; no logic required, plenty of melodrama and all the preeeeetty colours! and the only industry in which they can get away with a song and dance sequence including badminton rackets

forward to 3:20. you'll see what i mean

Star's homing beacon sent a t-shirt promotion thing recently..HAHA AC/DC and R2-D2, perfect combination. too damn cool to be true

other than that, watcheed everything from K3G to Perth, Dil Se to Gladiator, Hot Fuzz (which was genius) to Meet Joe Black..premature end of A levels enjoyment syndrome.
Joaquin Phoenix is so... dark. even when he smiles it's sinister :\ best Commodus everrrrr. watched Gladiator so many times already i do the thumb action on time. you know the bit where he decided whether a gladiator will die, then its a thumbs down. viv and i were arguing about it..his point is that if the emperor decrees that the gladiator should die, shouldn't it be a thumbs-up instea, like "yeah go ahead kill the bugger". but my point is, No it should be thumbs-down cos the emperor has decided you're not good enough to survive so its all "Sorry son, you disappointed me. You're going to hell" hence the downward pointing action. ...... -__-

A is for Anjax..uhh i mean, Andy.
warhol exhibition with the girls. it was surreal getting to see a warhol upclose.
Beethoven as nightcrawler..yeah bitchesss!! now that's pop art for you..melding the comic book and the classical music world. ok that's just my convoluted interpretation of it, dont mind me :)

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