Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Are you gonna go my way?

gosh i love these people
NOT playing favourites. "the list is non-exhaustive" as BigK would say.

Her question on nostalgia was so apt. It tied everything together so perfectly.
The location of our last lecture ever in SA..we came full circle.
Last week(or was it the week before) i finally got her to say my name right (permanently) after she called me Raksha (oi mahtani!)
This week she called on me to answer a question cos apparently i was giving her puppy dog eyes. sorry lah i can't help it if i permanently look like that! :P x 2983190. I was so thrown off by that comment i forgot what the question was HAHA i suckk

i am such a prude and my health record is so stellar that i haven't missed a single day of school these 2 years..not for illness nor for unforseen circumstance. the one time i got sent home was cos of the sty in my eye and that was the day i missed out on the 12 tubs of B&J's. what's even worse is that i haven't skipped a lecture or tutorial (except for stupid Up and On econs after school lectures)
Let me have it then! goody goody, puritan, prig, fuddy-duddy I SUCKKKK.

need to go break some rules tmr. today had the last chance to skip mass lecture for econs but NOOO, i still went. WHY anjali WHYY.. best text today was from Mahtani: "hey jelly! Figured out what rulez we gonna break tmr? :B "

-shall shout from 4th floor at unsuspecting j1's
-shall not button my collar even if K instructs me too
-shall participate in foodfight if there's one

uh..i'll think of more later
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