It feels damn good to be part of a team again.
A sports team. Softball, for my hall.
I can't tell if it's the exercise/pain or the endorphins that I'm addicted to. OK addicted is a strong word, but it's close enough!
The cricket training I've had helps me out in fielding and throwing..BUT, sometimes I start throwing downwards like I would when bowling a cricket ball, which you're NOT supposed to do in softball. Haha that's when I get Oi-ed at, in a playful way of course, and I literally knock it into my head to remember not to do it the next time. Frustrated lah! When I lapse into simple, stupid mistakes. Then again, this is only session number 3 :P And when fielding, I have to be conscious of the fact that I've a new appendage of sorts- a catcher's mitt. What I don't understand is that even with a bigger target (a softball is bigger than a cricket ball) and a slower pitching rate and a bloody glove to catch the thing, I'm still fumbling!! ALKSHAK:JSA:SAGSLA.
Batting on the other hand, is going much better. Golf is helping with this one haha- Where you're supposed to impact the ball, where the wrist breaks, the follow all the same. Yeah Cheryl (my neighbour) was right- I'm a ball and bat person. I was rubbish at even throwing the frisbee that she'd brought along to training (lol don't ask me why she had one on hand). Now I just have to practice finding the sweet spot and pulling off the softball equivalent of fours and sixers. Actually, come to think of it, in slow pitch games, a pull shot (i dunno what it's called in softballing terms)-one that you hit hard n low, which makes it run on the ground- would be the
most effective type of shot. But nothing beats the satisfaction of hearing the ball thwack off the bat at the sweet spot- oh man, still gives me shivers. D, you know what I'm talkin about.
I remember when we played softball for PE in JC, yj and I would talk tactics and batting order during every session...especially if we were playing against A7. And you know how yj talks with his hands? Floppy arms and expressive fingers hahah. It was bloody competitive when we played on different teams. Tennis boys (joe included), tennis girl (stace), consummate sportsman (tuan),cricket girl, BRING IT ON BITCHESS!! i think we still lost to A7 lah :P :P
I must say, BenSoh was a good teacher when it came to softball though. A lot of the things he taught us have come in handy- BenSoh and that pro softballer fella we got as our sidekick PE teacher. Stance, batting technique, not so much fielding lah- that's a whole different ball game (excuse the pun). This was FATED I tell you!
Now, I just have to get my teammates to get my name right. Cos it's kinda dumbass when you're calling for the ball, or you're signalling someone during play, and you can't remember/pronounce your teammate's name- what's new *rolls eyes*. Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall.
awesome. hahaha i kinda skipped every PE lesson i could...maybe i should have paid more attention.
perhaps I was too onzxzz sometimes haha. i didn't always enjoy PE though..always have (and still do) hate long runs and 2.4 training. ICKK~
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