Monday, July 13, 2009

I've been in various states of semi-conciousness the past coupla days due to the strength of the meds i'm on. I have lost entire days to sleep- which is SUCH a weird feeling. I've missed out on things that I kick myself for, and I can only function in Disney Time at the moment (on perpetual holiday in other words..i've pretty much lost track of when i'm supposed to have meals or take my meds or watch what I wanna watch on telly)

lol something tells me that last paragraph probably didn't even make sense, but I guess i'll read it in a coupla days and go "Whuuttt".

anyways, The Return of Calvin Harris

"Ready for the Weekend"- TUUUUUNE!! The man can do no wrong in my book.

and now i'm having a mental block.
i don't quite know what else to say (maybe it's a side effect *shrug*)

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