Friday, June 26, 2009

Kyur4 Th Ich

absolutely CHUFFED :D

i got my en-tee-you mass comm place. (i spelt it like that cos i don't want to be traced :P)
i genuinely thought i fked up the interview.

vin explained that that's what they do at interviews, try to get under your skin to see how much you want it. IT WORKED ALRIGHT! whatever it was the interviewer was doing. i think i wanted it to the point that i almost sounded desperate at some points during the interview.

by god's grace i've gotten the place lah. i honestly believe that.

now it's up to me to be a BAMF journo. \\m//
(lol no lah, that's not my style :P )

1 comment:

su said...

*eep* congratsssss