Wednesday, January 23, 2008

the lost pictures

WARNING: image heavy
pikchas from my handy dandy handphone from waaay back in nov 07

day out with the yindians yo. sasha, aakriti, esha and what else do you do with yindians but watch a bollywood movie :)

Om Shanti Om. Pure entertainment..what more do you need (especially during the 10-day break between your 2nd last and last A level paper

i found this gem of a poster near the box office at jade. Shahruk and Kajol= Rahul and Anjali= best hindi movie couple EVAAAAAA

and then there was the life-sized cutout of king khan and his incredibly buff self. Dard-E Disco, aka the video which made my hyperventilate cos i couldn't take the hotness

sakae with netta..the day we went matpack shopping. and the day i found pretty sushi on the sushi belt

speaking of jineh and her infinite fabulousness, look what i found while sorting out my ex econs notes. It reads "Homophobia Iz Gay" in case you can't see it clearly. and that jineh, is why i adore you

the day after, before infiltrating NUS. paying an exhorbitant amount for chicken rice and having lunch with a dork who nicked my soup.
caught in the act

a few days later lepaking at the station while waiting for the rest of the class to arrive before we headed off to Big K's aka the day i wore my united jersey out and cause Char to go into shock and call me a traitor *facepalms and laughs at the same time*
with lepak buddy rakk

secret picture of Big K's kitchen. i was shaking so much cos this was a covert operation and i was nervous ok!

immediately after getting my makeup done at Bobbi Brown. Before i had to face the drizzle that assaulted the crossing between Meritus Mandarin and Taka. he (yes the makeup artist was a guy) refused to give me a smokey eye but he promised to make me look bollywood worthy. uh.. thanks buddy! though the theme WAS 90% glamour 10% rock

a couple of days later at Gayathri's. indian food before we flew to Amrika. what i love about it is that there's a statue of Lord Ganesha surrounded by booze. Blasphemers! Heretics!
but the joke is indian food is so overwhelmingly flavoured its hard for me to see how wine fits into the eqaution. thefood would've killed your palette by the time you got to the wine, no?

after signing up for driving at AMK, the truck that was infront of my dad's car.who caters porridge? and would you need a battalion to do it? truly a wtf moment

ii have the coolest nephew and niece. might as well start him on the EVIL xbox360 young eh? he may only be 6 but he knows what an Aston Martin is (cos he watches Top Gear) and he's already pwned me at Project Gotham racing. plus he's in Rosyth now woohooo

before we went to the playground we (me and my bros)decided to have ganesh and eshani do a perspective how the made gandalf look massive and frodo look hobbit-y in LOTR. they're our favourite nephew and niece and we're extremely partial towards them *grin*

ganesh's favourite pose. for cross referencing please refer to this post

serial cake murderer. lolz at jags :)

the day of our 11th night of xmas dinner at vennie's. while waiting at the compass point starbucks with vennie for su to arrive, a suddent bout of itchy fingers hit me from whence "receipt robot" was born. fully poseable, no batteries necessary.

pre and i went down to the minimart to get extra supplies and look what i stumbled upon! if i ever go into the breakfast foods industry i know exactly what i'll call my product. "PANJAX sothapax to the max. I promise you won't be sothaparaan-ing with this pancake mix yaar" accompanied with a winking picture of myself. i'll be the Aunty Jemima of the booming atta flour pancake industry in india

zhen's cookies. duh i took the one with the A on it

chomp chomp (finally!) with the gang. what a spread eh


Kevin Chan said...

miss chomp chomping with you guys la... those pics just made me hungry, real hungry! (:

BellamyGirl89 said...

hullo kev!!

let us know when you're back again yeah? we'll definitely "pull a chomp chomp"
miss you!