Saturday, January 19, 2008

The clouds will be a daisy chain, So let me see you smile again

charlene (aka char)
i miss asking you the same bloody question every monday after chem lecture. "Shall we have lunch?"
Even though i knew the answer. And after a while you just knew it was coming, so you'd say "Ok ask THE question"

and now mondays come and go and there're no more chem lectures to sit in and comment on jiaqi's outfit of the day and her partiality to josh. no more watching you doze off and teehee-ing as quietly as possible cos you had a particular style of nodding off. ah yes, and waking you up during the important bits (not like i didn't nod off myself :P ) no more getting in line at the yong tau foo stall to order the usual and get asked the same question, "can you eat wanton?", even though i came back the same day and the same time every week. you thought he would've recognised me by then, but no sirree.

and you were the first person i told my "naughty hindu" story to! LOL. principals say the darndest things :D

i miss the way you used to play masak masak with the chili and add bits of things to it..twas like, a post meal ritual. you and your teh peng. you and your HALLO, so perky nothing could quash it. you and your postcards and bits of paper with messages skribbled on that would give me the resolve to aspire once again. you, JUST you.

i'm getting all..sentimental.

too much chilli! *sniff tear sniff* thanks jiahui for the tissue (yes i recognise your hand), thanks netta for capturing the moment between me and my yong tau foo and tuan, whatchoo laughing at eh?! i keed, i keed.

Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name.

char, Everton match next week ah!

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