Saturday, December 08, 2007


mucking around in the room with k.loe... the lack of photo affinity saddens me so *tragic sigh* but all other types of affinity make up for it, no?

i am genuinely intimidated by the prospect of doing a post about prom. i want to do its justice (D.A.N.C.E at poptart!! yaaay!!) and i dont want to miss anything out either.

oh maaanz. geddoverit anjax

as if post prom wasn't exhausting, the next day (which also counts as post-prom) was kerazy. from waiting in queue for TWO FUCKEN HOURS at immigration to get biometricised and passing out on my dad's shoulder from exhaustion to RUSHING to the hospital to get vaccinated (i;m a vaccinatron yo. i HATE needles. and blood.) i now suffer from insomnia. i guess that's what happens after having multiple late nights since the 26th. hence the 2 a.m. post. instead i sleep at odd hours in the form of cat naps. meow. (thanks ah, i missed oprah today *curse and swear*)

i went for a gig. local music never sounded (and looked) so good. Armchair Critic and their immense awesomeness. "Monsters" is such a catchy tune! (well done Ahmed/RG) Nas baby, if you're reading this, danke schon for the reintro to gig culture. and visa if you're reading this, you really are a hero. your honesty is heartbreaking and admirable.
i got asked out for a smoke and i felt all speciallll. but i had to politely refuse. smoking killzz ya'll.

because i fail at being lyrical:
radiohead has a song off in rainbows which is perfect(i mean it..every single line). "Jigsaw Falling Into Place"

Just as you take my hand
Just as you write my number down
Just as the drinks arrive
Just as they play your favourite song
As the magic disappears
No longer wound up like a spring
Before you've had too much
Come back and focus again

The walls abandon shape
You've got a cheshire cat grin
All blurring into one
This place is on a mission
Before the night owl
Before the animal noises
Closed circuit cameras
Before you're comatose

Before you run away from me
Before you're lost between the notes
The beat goes round and round
The beat goes round and round
I never really got there
I just pretended that I had

What's the point of instruments
Words are a sawed off shotgun
Come on and let it out

Before you run away from me
Before you're lost between the notes
Just as you take the mic
Just as you dance, dance, dance

Jigsaws falling into place
There is nothing to explain
Regard each other as you pass
She looks back, you look back
Not just once
Not just twice

Wish away the nightmare
Wish away the nightmare
You've got a light you can feel it on your back
You've got a light you can feel it on your back
Jigsaws falling into place

EDIT: aiya. Link for Prom Photos

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